Investing in MYSELF...

Today I took out time and a beautiful amount of money to pamper myself. It;s always so hard to do so and even when I do I sell myself short. But I promised myself to not hold onto money for the sake of hoarding, and that i'd invest in quality things that I like. I got my nails done and I feel so happy everytime I look down at them. Like a little cheerfulness lifts me up! And I bought a whole new wardrobe. Mind you, ive gained a little weight and most of my clothes werent fitting anymore. I felt so bad about this and just told myself i'll work off the weight instead of purchaisng new stuff. But its awful when I stare into my closet and nothing fits. So I got a whole new look and feel and Im so excited about it. I also ran into another issue today while buying some stuff..buying things that i think maybe others people would like more than me. I was going to buy a really expensive perfume because I felt like it would be more sophisticated. But honestly, perfumes give me headaches. I wear the same body spray I have been using for many years and it makes me feel beautiful. So im happy i went with what i like instead of what someone else would feel is better. Today was a great day and I feel blessed to be here. 


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