
Showing posts from May, 2021
 working on my self esteem... working on my self esteem is so reqarding and makes me so happy! it really just gets better and better each and every day. I dont even know if thats common or possible hahaha but for me every day i feel like im getting better. its insane! i love figuring out what i like, what i want to try next. recently i figured out i love experimenting with my hair it makes me feel beautiful. and that i dont need to buy perfumes that i dont like. only listen to myself and ONLY myself. whenever i listen to others, i make mistakes. i like doing what i want

Feeling inferiority and picking myself back up with SELF LOVE

 This week was a tough week. There are several things I havent been too happy about that fueled these feelings of inferioirty the past couple days. Number one is my weight. I've gained a few pounds and felt bloated for a few months. This is making me feel really bad about my looks and overall feeling. I'm not happy with where my body is at and i really want to lose weight in a healthy way. So focusing on this and getting down on myself made me spiral into a self hatred talk of anixiety, depression and just feeling like an unworthy loser. This combusted this weekend, on Saturday. The day I recuperate and rest, I was crying because these feelings were reaching a tiping point. I really needed to reevaluate how I see myself and why these feelings were getting to me. Self love is so much more than I think it is. I dont always take care of my body and spirit. I really need to put good foods in me and excercise. It's always been a struggle. But Im going to give this a shot. Today