Feeling inferiority and picking myself back up with SELF LOVE

 This week was a tough week. There are several things I havent been too happy about that fueled these feelings of inferioirty the past couple days. Number one is my weight. I've gained a few pounds and felt bloated for a few months. This is making me feel really bad about my looks and overall feeling. I'm not happy with where my body is at and i really want to lose weight in a healthy way. So focusing on this and getting down on myself made me spiral into a self hatred talk of anixiety, depression and just feeling like an unworthy loser. This combusted this weekend, on Saturday. The day I recuperate and rest, I was crying because these feelings were reaching a tiping point. I really needed to reevaluate how I see myself and why these feelings were getting to me. Self love is so much more than I think it is. I dont always take care of my body and spirit. I really need to put good foods in me and excercise. It's always been a struggle. But Im going to give this a shot. Today i had a salad and fish which made me feel REALLY good and full. I was proud of myself for that. I'm going to love myself a lot and try to not be so mean to myself. I also want to invest in buying quality things for myself. Why cant i indulge and feel good? I really love perfumes and will definintely be looking into those things more.


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